
I knew a hawk named Ostentatious
Who was ridiculously flirtatious
Formel or tiercel didn’t matter
Tho’ he much preferred the latter
As his appetite for size- was just voracious.

He considered courting to be nonsense
All useless folderol and pretense
Just a quick roll in the skies
Talons nestled in plump thighs
Preferably those of a lover, adept- at playing defense.

His foul antics went on quite unhindered
Till he swooped on the wrong him-bird
Who through public castigation 
Sought Ostentatious’s castration
Could his inordinate fowl appetites- not be deterred

Left woebegone poor Ostentatious
Now leads a life much less salacious
Yet eternal abstinence exchanged
For a manhood left unchanged
Has driven his appetite for worms- beyond capacious.

This little ditty was inspired by the photo prompt provided by Crispina on Crimson’s Creative Challenge #56 and includes the words Ostentatious as provided by Sheryl on Your Daily Word Prompt, and Nonsense provided by Michael on MLMM Tale Weavers.

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