Brother Francis

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

“Alms for the poor!” Brother Francis cried out from the corner of High Street on which he’d become a fixture. Scarcely noticed, his pleas mingled with the street sounds. His robes became part of the scenery.

He often returned to the monastery penniless, and was reprimanded by the Abbot, as the tenets of the order stated they must subsist on the kindness of strangers alone.

But Brother Francis was not chided by the Abbots rebuke. He knew, it wasn’t the pennies, but the feeling of comfortable acceptance he experienced every day on his corner, that gave his vows meaning.

Written for Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction Challenge and Friday Fictioneers.

57 thoughts on “Brother Francis

  1. Good Story. I have found out a lot about religious communities over the years so I know things like this happen often. No one can control what others give him so the abbot was being unrealistic. I’ve found a typographical error. Instead of ‘tenants’ you should have said ‘tenets’.


  2. Your post reminds me of an article I read in the Good News section… a wanderer from England – ended up in a small town in Arizona. And was not only accepted, but more than less adopted by the community.

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