Something like this

Photo courtesy of What Do You See?

The night is young. The band is playing. The drinks are flowing. The place is packed.

I give a nod to Tommy at the door. He nods back. Everything is a go.

I make my way through the crowd to the exit door just left of the bar. Leaning against it, I nonchalantly light a cigarette, while thudding the door with the heel of my shoe the agreed upon three times. I can feel Guido’s three kick response, even though I can’t hear it over the wail of the sax.

Leaning effortlessly onto the bar that releases the lock on the door, I feel it click, and Guido catch it in one fluid motion. It’s time to get this party started.

Tommy stands up. On my signal he’ll shut down the main entrance. Guido will cover the exit. Harry is already in the alley, waiting with a car. And all I have to do, is grab the girl.

I looked over at her. She don’t look like much. She certainly don’t look like anyone would be willing to fork over twenty thousand clams to get her back.

But then, what do I know. I’m just the cat you call when something like this needs doing.

Written in response to Helene’s What Do You See Photo Prompt.

10 thoughts on “Something like this

  1. I like your take on the prompt.
    Though that bar? I used to drink there. But there weren’t no kidnapping happening. Illegal substances maybe; and the greatest sounds ever in the back room.
    To return to your micro-fiction: this cat liked it.


  2. Violet I love this story, especially the lines: “I looked over at her. She don’t look like much. She certainly don’t look like anyone would be willing to fork over twenty thousand clams to get her back” . This gave me a good laugh. Thank you for sharing your delightful writing skills.


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