My thirteenth year

They say, that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but laying in the tall soft grass out behind Grand’s the summer of my thirteenth year, I couldn’t imagine that could be true.

I hadn’t wanted to spend my first teenage summer, miles away from home, let alone with a grandmother I hardly knew. But, looking back on it now, it is one of the defining points of my youth.

That was the summer I became my father’s daughter. He was no longer just a picture on my mom’s dresser, but a very real man- in whose bed I slept, whose records I listened to, and whose adventures I shared- via the pictures painted for me by my Grand’s words, as we lay together in the cool green grass on those long hot summer days.

Days that will forever remain, the summer of my life.

Written for Crispina Kemp’s Crimsons Creative Challenge #19

28 thoughts on “My thirteenth year

  1. This was a nice piece. I liked how it went from a fond recollection of a grandmother to getting to know a missing parent and back to the grandmother The most fortunate of us were able to know and appreciate their grandparents before it was too late.

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