hole in my heart

you came to me this morning in a dream
you were on my couch
this couch
in jeans and no shirt

you were laying down
when i approached you
you made those little sounds
you always made

when you wanted me to comfort you
like an innocent child…

you rolled on your side facing me
and tucked your hands in between your legs,
prayer style at the top of the knees..

i ran my hand over your hair,
and spoke words of comfort
i couldn’t really hear…

then i bent down and kissed you
tasting the sweetness of your lips
as i parted mine
and allowed my tongue to touch you
just for a second

you were content then.
i left you to sleep…

for that instant
there was no hole in my heart….

Posted in celebration of the life of David Alan Gardon  2/10/66 – 1/17/04

Until we meet again….

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