The Trestle

Word Count: 100

“See there? Walking the trestle? That’s her, the little one with the long dark hair.”

“Why she’s only a child.”

“And who was it that said, ‘.. a child shall lead them?’”

“I guess you’re right.”

“When are you going to let her know we have come for her?”

“Soon.  A train has been sent to create a diversion. When it gets close enough, I’ll let her know it’s time to go..”

“You don’t think she will refuse do you? I mean, she could.”

“No, she’s always known some day we would come for her. Today she will just know when.”

Prompt supplied by Friday Fictioneers

This story was created in an effort to make sense of the following real life incident. Jeanine Moran was a classmate of mine at the time. We were 14. She still is.

41 thoughts on “The Trestle

    • I thought that for years until I read the newspaper article, and it said all she had to do was step into the center of the tracks. I guess we’ll never know for sure. Thanks for stopping in.


    • I believe they meant stepping between the two sets of tracks. I do not know if that is how the others survived or not. I never read this article till I saw this prompt and looked for it. Everything I knew about the accident I heard in school when it happened and that was 40 odd years ago.


  1. That is so sad! Something similar happened when I was 15 but my friend survived but was horribly injured and never recovered. Two years later he was knocked down by a car on a pelican crossing and survived again but suffered still further terrible injuries. There but for the grace of God…

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